Monday, August 31, 2009

Goo Hye Sun and Rain for Tous Les Jours CF

English Translation from

GHS and Rain's Tous Les Jours CF is coming out on August 31. Two are elves or fairy bakers in a large kitchen, making delicious cakes using enormous utensils. Very cute. Thanks alot!!! Pictures are worth thousand words and it is from by Lee Mi Hae Reporter on August 31, 2009.

Rain and 'Ku Hye-Seon' who have turned Mini Elves, Show their Duet

In bakery brand 'Tous Les Jours' ad, Rain and actress Ku Hye-Seon turn handheld and mini patissier elves, and show their lovely and happy appearance.

Since this ad says these two turn cute and mini patissier elves, not to mention peripheral props had to become bigger.

Pros such as spoons, forks, sourdough, and pieces of almonds, were specifically formulated for the shooting, Rain had to pour syrup, holding a heavy and big spoon in his hand, and Ku Hye-Seon had to act to stud a model of huge pieces of almonds.

It was nearly all shot in conjunction with computer-generated props, it is said that Rain and Ku Hye-Seon also sang CM together after the shooting all night. This ad will be aired on TV from the evening of the 2nd.

credits: webby/susamerica/ + as labeled, + rainbird@rain-eu


  1. Good for her because she will show her have good voice and Rain is a good siger. People will acknowledge her a singer not only actress,producer, director , composer and writer. Hope Rain invate her to his show to sing together and play piano one of her compose and also model with him. Now people notice her not only have pretty face but have a lot of talents.
    Keep a good work and enjoy

  2. koo hye deun radiates unique irresistible charisma and innocence that are missing in other leading actresses. Being humble despite her many talents makes her a more elegant and fine lady to maech up with equally fine actors..KHS is a standout!
