Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lee Min Ho: Getting to Know Him

Justify FullIn his interview with ISplus (reporter Lee Dong Hyun) published on March 15, Lee Min Ho reveals his sleeping habits, favourite food, and ideal woman.

ISplus (IS): The “Crash Min Ho” scene at the PaekSang Arts Awards was a hot topic.

Lee Min Ho (LMH): I was embarrassed and humiliated. However, fans warmly cheered me on. I could verify my fans’ love.

IS: What is your life motto?

LMH: “Those who give up cannot gain victory.” It’s not victory that is so important, but the fighting spirit. Even if you fail, I think even just the attitude of not giving up is beautiful in itself.

IS: Have you had a crisis in life that was difficult to endure?

LMH: The car accident I experienced in 2006. During the six months I had to stay at the hospital, I worried a lot about what I would do if I could no longer act. At first, I broke down thinking I may not even be able to walk again.

IS: What method do you use to relieve extreme stress?

LMH: I simply sleep. If I feel like the stress is still there when I wake up, I go back to sleep until the stress goes away. There was a time in the past when I slept for 24 hours straight.

IS: Which negative comment had the biggest impression on you?

LMH: It wasn’t an internet comment; it was a malicious remark that was broadcast. When Gag Concert character Wang Bi Ho (Yoon Hyung Bin) said, “Lee Min Ho, what are you going to do when Boys Over Flowers finishes?” (negative connotation - “What the heck is going to happen to you after BOF finishes?), my chest felt a chill. Figure out how to make a transition from the Gu Jun Pyo character is a big homework project for me.

IS: What do you consider the most when looking at women?

LMH: Her overall style and feeling is most important. Even if she is not beautiful, my heart can be pulled by a strong feeling that comes to me.

IS: When/Where/Who was your first kiss?

LMH: It was in my first year of high school (grade 10) with my girlfriend in front of her house.

IS: If you get a girlfriend, what kind of present would you most want?

LMH: I just wish I had a girlfriend. A girlfriend in herself is the present what I want most.

IS: Approximately when did you date your last girlfriend? How long ago was it, what age and what occupation does she have?

LMH: I haven’t had a girlfriend since I dated a fellow university student when I was 20 (Korean age).

IS: If you get a girlfriend, what endearing nickname would you want to call her?

LMH: It would be different depending on her style.

IS: It must have been perplexing when photos of you with some female colleagues were publicized on the internet a while ago.

LMH: It was a little exasperating. They are pictures that could hurt me. Even though they weren’t my girlfriend, people misconstrued them to be. I felt so sorry toward the other people in the photos due to the malicious gossip that was spread.

IS: What will you do if your parents oppose your marriage like Boys Over Flowers’ Gu Jun Pyo?

LMH: I would run away with her. Even if we have to elope (”flight by night”), I would marry her.

IS: Which female actress do you want to co-star opposite?

LMH: I would like to work with my ideal type, Song Hye Kyo sunbae (senior). Although she has an elegant and classic style, her charisma is also strong and her acting talent is outstanding. If we act together, I think I could learn a lot from her. But I’d probably tremble (be nervous) a lot .

IS: Who is the person you want to meet most?

LMH: I would like to meet Hollywood actor, Edward Norton. The way he gives off a comfortable vibe while oozing out charisma is so impressive. If I meet him, I’d request, “I’d like you to be my master (teacher)”. First, I think I need to diligently learn English.

IS: Which athlete do you like the most?

LMH: Manchester United’s Cristiano Ronaldo. On top of having extraordinary talent, he is also good looking. I also dreamt of being a soccer player when I was in elementary school. If I was able to continue playing soccer, maybe I would have been an athlete like Cristiano Ronaldo by now.

IS: What kind of food do you like and is there anything you’re good at cooking?

LMH: I like all meats and am good at cooking all meats. Cooking method? I just grill/roast it. I have a secret grilling method. Beef, pork, chicken, etc. - there’s a different grilling method for each meat. Even if it’s the same meat product, you will marvel if you taste the meat I grill.

IS: Which song is your specialty at karaoke?

LMH: Toy’s “내가 잠시 너의 곁에 살았다는 걸”. Although Boys Over Flowers‘ Jun Pyo has a rough and defiant image, I’m a sweet romantic. Although I don’t have a talent in singing, I [still] sing because people tell me I do it coolly.

IS: What are some objects that you always carry around in your bag?

LMH: I make sure to pack cologne because I want to be a fragrant guy all the time.

IS: What is your drinking capacity? Which alcohol do you like, where do you drink and with whom?

LMH: I can’t really drink much. It’s difficult to drink past three shots of soju. The alcohol I like are western liquors, although I can’t drink past one or two glasses. I’m not picky about the location. I can adapt to any environment and enjoy myself. However, I want to drink with people I’m confortable with and who don’t pressure me to drink alcohol.

IS: Do you have any jinxes, superstitions or customs?

LMH: I get injured during every film or movie project. Even if I’m careful, I get injured due to unforeseen circumstances.

IS: Do you have any sleeping habits?

LMH: They say I grind my teeth and talk gibberish. When we go on vacation, my friends try to avoid sleeping with me.

IS: Which three objects would you take with you if you had to be stuck on a deserted island?

LMH: A bed, a lighter, and a cellular phone. I’ll need to take a good bed in order to sleep well. Even if I’m on a deserted island, I’ll need to cook the food in order to eat it. Especially for someone like me who loves meat, a lighter is a mandatory requirement. Even if I’m stuck on the deserted island, I’d need to talk with people on the phone so that I don’t get bored. Plus, I have a lot of games downloaded on my cellphone.

IS: Name a characteristic that you’re jealous of from each F4 member.

LMH: Kim Beom’s small face, Kim Joon hyung’s big eyes, and Kim Hyun Joong’s white (pale) face. Still, overall, I’m the most……..

Source : IS Plus
translated @ KPculture


  1. hahaha he reveals that her ideal type is goo hye sun so it seems that he really like jandi not only in the serie also in raelity. Actually they are very suitable to each other.

  2. GAH!!! Im even more in love with him now!!! haha.

  3. HE'S SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!

  4. Hey goo joon pyo
    u know? ur so cute

  5. wow. gu jun pyo.

    ur really something.


    :) love itt..

    visit us here in phil. LOLX

  6. ..i LOVE Gu jun pyoo xoo much, even i first saw the commercial on ABS-CBN phil.. i said too myself im gonna love dis man and even da show..:D..LOVE..LOVE.. more success to my IDOL., GU JUN PYO..:D..


  7. oh!!!!!the leader of f4!!!!!!!!

  8. i love him from d' bottom of my heart

    GU JUN PYO hope 2 see u soon...luv u

  9. hi
    lee min ho=))
    good morning,good afternoon, good night=))

    happy birth day, happy hallowing,happy Easter day,happy monthsary to your gf, happy valentines,merry Christmas, happy new year, happy fathers day=))

    and your so cool=))
    and hot=))

    stay as you are=))

    im from pinas=))i mean philippines

    jesus loves you=))

  10. his ideal type was Song Hye Kyo.. (Jessie of Full House) great..(^_^)


  12. :p LEE MIN HO!!!! <3 <3 <3
    love it!!! love him!?!
    thank you for posting this! I enjoyed reading it (reading about him!!) > .<
    GU JUN PYO!!!! love you!!!!!!!

  13. LEE MIN HO, pls don't forget to pray to avoid accidents and for you to reach your dreams in's so sad that you still don't have someone to take care of you and to comfort u in times of less fortunate times..don't worry u can count on me and i'll pray for you..we may not seen each other..i will be your friend you haven't met from a can reach out for me..i know u can...just remember when you look at the sun i will be on the other side looking at it then we could meet...i wish u all the luck in the world...hope to see ur name in hollywood...globally known not only because of your pretty face but for brilliance and kindhearted being...saranghamnida...tsupp..GOD BLESS

  14. i really really really really really LOVE GU JUN PYO!!! i`m sOoo addicted to YOU! ;DD

  15. wow...!!!
    lee min-ho was so hot!

    I love you!!!

  16. Hi! I'm roxanne of Iloilo,philippines...

    I love watching boys over flowers especially lee min-ho....

    Thanks for sharing this show in the philippines...and hope to see the f4 and koo hye soon there...pls. visit us!

    I love you!!!

    & god bless...!!!

    - roxanne1283@y.c

  17. i want to marry lee min ho!!!

  18. i really love the characterilization of lee min ho as gu jun pyo!!!

    hope there be a season two!!!

  19. i really really love Lee Min-Ho!
    i want to be his girlfriend! haha.. joke.^^ if its possible..XD
    i want to meet you!
    im from Philippines. nyahaha..
    tangshin-i cho-a-yo!
    sarang heyo!
    hugs and kisses..
    God Bless!

  20. He's very natural and isn't afraid to reveal his true sides =) Very cute, but still a lil' "boyish" ^^ I'm happy to know more about him

  21. i don't think you were the one updating this blog. do you speak well in english cause me im not good in speaking english. im a filipino from the philippines.

  22. OHMYGOD ITS lee min - ho ? OR JUN PYO !

  23. lee min ho i love you forever...
    you are very handsom..
    i from indonesia..


  25. so...he really depicted his gu jun pyo character in boys over flowers....cheers!

  26. BE MINE lee min ho! hahahaha.. =D

  27. Please somebody tell me, where did he get that shape of lips and teeth???
    That's a BIG BANG right?

    I love his smile, his lips' shape..

    Well, Im Indonesian as well,,

  28. Would love to meet u come to singapore and u'll be surprised to know how many fans you have here!!..u have the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen.

  29. if you have spare time why don't you play soccer? if you love playing it then do it. Being actor is not forever u know, maybe some day i'll see you not as an actor but a soccer player. There nothing impossibe in this world if you give ur whole heart on it. just a suggestion i don't mean anything bad about it. regards to goo hye sun.. TC


  30. don't get me wrong but in your latest adds in dunkin donut you do look like a gay, don't like your make up and everything...

  31. I became an avid fan of GHS after watching BOF and start to watch also Pure 19 afterward. Comparing her two leading men in both dramas, LMH & SJS, both of them are tall and good looking guys which makes them perfect match for GHS. Likewise, they are both good new actors that made them won Best Actor Award (LMH in BOF & SJS in Pure 19). What a co-incidence also that both of them had experienced & suffered a lot from car accidents prior to their drama assignments and pairing with GHS. Is GHS their lucky charm?

  32. OMG! I soo love him!! His smile,cuteness,dimples,tallness,athletic,ahhhh omg I love everything about him. He's definitely my type!! Omg we got like mostly everything in common. Bcuz from what I have read from the interview up there, sounds alot like me. And we're even near the same age. But the thing that is so coincidence was that he got into an accident in 2006 and I got into an accident in 2006. Weird..But instead of being scared that I broke something in my body, I was scared that I almost lost one of my eye sight..(Sighss)Crazy I know..I just wanna meet him one day.. I can't believe I found a guy that is exactly like me..woww..If he is still single, I wish I'm the one for him..Sorry girls..I LOVE LEE MIN HO!!♥ ♥

  33. all i to say is go you could achieve your dreams if you believe in yourself learn english and to meet me!!!!!! your 1# fan or maybe just fan because there is alot of other people in the world ! LEE MIN HO we cheer you on ...oh my name right just call me MARZ well LEE ..(i can call you lee right) well any way love ya!!!! bye
    P.S I want to learn korean and go become an actor in korea, but i'm really shy so wish me luck !!!!!

  34. lee min ho,,,please visit us here in the Philippines,,,
    we love you sooooo much,,,,

    you're my everything..=)

  35. :(((( lee min and love and love you
