Friday, August 21, 2009

Koo Hye Sun : Has a Good Heart

Very quiet in terms of our HS so I found this information; I did not know either.
Found the information from DCinside: dated August 20, 20

Below are the fans talking about how HS bought her father a car and helped her older sister open a Tous Les Jours store at AhnYang location few years ago.

Her older sister still operates the store because she sent in chocolates to the entire team of BOF on the Valentine's day.
One fan envies the locals who live near AhnYang because, if she lived there, she would have gone to Tous Les Jours daily. Fans are admiring how nice HS is to her family.

One fan also states that Kim Hyun Joong also is very nice to his family because he bought his father a car and he also had been paying for his older brother's tuition.

They are saying she has a good heart.

뚜레쥬르 안양점 가본 사람 있나요?
안양점 주인이 쿠의 친언니라고 하던데~
친언니가 가게 내셨다고...
근처에 살면 매일 가서 사먹을텐데... 아쉽당...
지방팬은 이래저래 참 서럽군요..ㅠ_ㅠ ㅋㅋ
쿠뿐이야 사진 출처 - YG 2009.08.20 16:07
쿠 사랑한당. 해외팬도 서럽다능.... 그 빵집 혜선씨가 해준거 맞나요? 혜선씨가 효녀고 가족한테 잘한다면서 아버지는 차 사드리고 언니는 가게 해드렸다는 얘길 들어서...74.38.***.*** 2009.08.20 16:15
쿠뿐이야 쿠 사랑한당./ 오~ 정말요? ㅋ 쿠는 정말 가족에게 잘할것 같다는... 개념 찬 쿠 2009.08.20 16:17
쿠 사랑한당. 현중이도 가족한테 잘해서 아버지 차사드리고 형 학비대고 이랬다고.. 더블겔에서 얘길들었는데.. 어떤 분이 혜선이도 그렇다면서... 기사에 안나서 그렇지 아버지 차랑 언니 가게를 혜선이가 해 줬다고 하더라고요...74.38.***.*** 2009.08.20 16:20
쿠뿐이야 역시 개념쟁이들~ 2009.08.20 16:25
쿠가좋아 저두 그렇게 들었어요..저때 사람들 정말 많이 왔었는데.....114.206.***.*** 2009.08.20 16:26
냐홍 쿠가 가족한테 정말 잘하는듯~~맘도 이뻐..^^ 근데 아직도 친언니분이 뚜레쥬르 하시는지는... 2009.08.20 16:31
쿠가좋아 아직 하고있어요...꽃남때 발렌타이날에 언니 빵가게에서 쵸코릿 사서 다 돌렸대요~~114.206.***.*** 2009.08.20 16:33
냐홍 ㄴ 글쿤영~ 아직두 하구 계시눙~~ 2009.08.20 16:35
쿠뿐이야 아 맞아요ㅋㅋ 꽃남할때, 언니네 가게에서 초콜릿 사서 스텝들한테 다 돌렸다는 기사 봤음ㅋㅋ 2009.08.20 16:53

Also, as I was passing through the DCinside, I saw the fans talking under those pix of BOF Japan promotion above,

I read the fans saying that all 5 main BOF stars are going to Japan promotion on September 6th. Fans are worried that GHS is working so hard even until early morning hours and since she has to do her concert on September 5th and then go to the Sept. 6th concert in Japan.

The fans are also worried that GHS may get lots of anti-remarks because she is the going to the pormotion with the F4 again. (Sorry I cannot provide the Korean version of this fan account as I went through too many fan accounts that it is difficult for me to find it again. Sorry.)

I hope those fans knew for sure. Although I am sure GHS will be tired, I am glad that she is going to promote BOF in Japan.

credits : susAmerica@soompi(english translation)+DC

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